Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lake Pontchatrain, Louisiana

New Orleans sits just south of Lake Pontchatrain, a very large but shallow brackish lake - more of a tidal basin than a normal lake.
I still remember very well the summer when I was about 12 years old when my Dad took me and two of my brothers on a drive over the amazing Lake Pontchatrain Causeway. At almost 24 miles it is the longest overwater bridge in the world. Dad is the king of hype, and he had built us boys up to the a point of open-mouthed, wide-eyed wonder as we started across a lake so wide that we could not see one side from the other. We were almost hyperventilating with excitement as we drove several miles from the north shore before the southern shore came dimly into view. I felt it was like taking a bridge across the ocean.
When I saw Lake Pontchartrain again more recently - 50 years later - I viewed it with fond memories - and still a sense of wonder.

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