Monday, January 12, 2009

Plaza de la Cultura, San Jose, Costa Rica

This small plaza is a focal point in the heart of San Jose. It is situated in front of the Grand Hotel and across the Street from the National Theater. The Plaza offers a great spot for tourists to give their feet a rest while doing a little people watching.

The attractive square provides benches, a fountain, several small shade trees and one magnificent towering Royal Palm. There is also a monument to the Juan Mora Fernandez, the first President of Costa Rica. This is the main square for San Jose and is visited by thousands of both locals and visitors every day. The Plaza often hosts celebrations, demonstrations, performances, etc.

On prominent display in the Plaza de la Cultura is this statue of Juan Mora Fernandez (1784-1854) an early leader of the Republic of Costa Rica.
In 1824, just three years after Costa Rica gained its independence from Spain, Juan Mora Fernandez became the first elected head of state. Fernandez is best remembered for his land reforms and liberal policies. He is also credited with inadvertently creating an elite class of powerful coffee barons.

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