Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Seven Gables of Huron City, Michigan

Huron City was a "company town", associated with the lumber industry and developed in the mid-1800's by entrepreneaurs Langdon and Watson Hubbard from Connecticut. A steam powered saw mill was here and a horse drawn tram which carried the lumber to a dock on Lake Huron for loading onto ships bound for the company's lumber yard in Sandusky, Ohio., on Lake Erie.

The present buildings were constructed in the 1880's after devastating fires, in 1871 and 1881, destroyed the earlier town.

In 1995 Huron City was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is owned and operated by a private foundation. Preserved are the magnificent old Victorian mansion, Seven Gables, an 1885 General Store, the 1883 Community House Inn, Huron City Church, an 1837 log cabin (which survived the fires), antique barns, and a carriage shed. Also the Pointe Aux Barques Life Saving Station has been moved to this location for preservation.

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