The twin towers that house the corporate headquarters of Procter and Gamble are not a tourist attraction, but visitors to our city might find them interesting. P&G, the largest consumer goods company in the world, had it's humble beginning in Cincinnati in 1837. William Procter, a candlemaker and James Gamble, a soapmaker's apprentice, married sisters and decided to become business partners. The large number of hogs being butchered in Cincinnati (sometimes called Porkoplois) gave them plentiful raw material (fat) for their industry. By 1890 they were manufacturing 30 different kinds of soap.
Ivory Soap was invented by P&G personnel, and became their first nationwide brand. The company has continued to grow and diversify over they years until today It manufactures and distributes hundreds of different products in 180 countries of the world. Although their corporate offices are here in Cincinnati, P&G employs 98,000 people in 80 different countries. One of their very best employees is my beautiful bride, Karen, a Customer Logistics and Financial Coordinator for their North American Division, Customer Service.
Procter and Gamble has 16 "billion dollar brands." They are: Pampers, Crest, Tide, Ariel, Always, Pantene, Charmin, Bounty, Iams, Folgers, Pringles, Downy, Olay, Head & Shoulders Wella and Actonel. There are also numerous smaller brands, and all together they are used or consumed 2 billion times a day worldwide. Whenever you see the P&G moon and stars logo - wherever you are - thank Cincinnati.
The distinctive P&G towers can be viewed along I-71 or from 5th Street on the East side of downtown Cincinnati.
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