Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Hampshire State Capitol, Concord

The seat of government for New Hampshire, the State House is the oldest State Capitol Building in the United States in which the state legislative bodies still meet in their original chambers. The imposing structure, built of New Hampshire Granite in 1815-1818, is capped with a beautiful gold dome which is both a landmark and a monument.

I took a self guided tour of the capitol building in which I saw the Hall of Flags and the portraits of generations of leaders along the corridors, as well as the House and Senate chambers. I also enjoyed browsing in the gift shop which is just off the lobby area. Being there in July, when the legislature was not in session, I found the building mostly empty. I'm sure it is a beehive of activity at other times.

The State House Visitors Center is open year round. Self guided tours may be taken any time. Guided tours are scheduled for groups of 10 or more.

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