Thursday, December 11, 2008

Muir Woods National Monument, California

Just 5.6 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods National Monument is visited my more than one million people annually. This secluded canyon in Mill Valley protects the San Francisco Bay's last stand of Coast Redwoods, some 1,000 years old and towering over 260 feet high. Accessible hiking trails allow visitors to enjoy this cool, misty forest. There is also a cafe and a gift shop.
The site is named for the famous naturalist, John Muir, who once said, "This is the best tree lovers monument that could possibly be found in all the forests of the world."To reach Muir Woods cross the Golden Gate Bridge on Hwy-101, then take the Hwy-1 exit and follow the signs. Crowds in summer are very heavy and parking is limited. We were there on a weekday in February, and even then the parking lot was full. In summer and on weekends some have had to to park along the road as much as a mile away.
Another alternative would be to take one of the commercial tours out of San Francisco. Public transportation to Muir Woods is not available.

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