Karen and I got a kick out of visiting the Guava Kia Plantation in Kilauea, Kauai. It is known as the "Guava Capital of the World." and is the largest guava plantation in the United States, but then they don't grow much of this tropical fruit in North Dakota, or anywhere else on the mainland for that matter.
Depending on the time of your visit you may watch grava being harvested, processed and made into james and jellies. Any time you come you will be able to get a free sample of guava juice and you may also purchase other tasty guava products and souvenirs. We bought a few jars of jam for gifts to take home to friends and family.
Guava, which originated in South America, was first brought to Hawaii in 1791 by the Spanish adventurer Don Francisco de Paula Marin. The conditions in Hawaii proved ideal for the tropical fruit and the grava quickly became the most common wild fruit in Hawaii. Here at they plantation they grow Beaumont guava, a superior hybrid. The beautiful pink of the juice is natural - no color added - and I love the unique tropical taste.
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