Thursday, December 11, 2008

Castle Rock, Pineville, West Virginia

The first time I ever drove into Pineville, in 1972, I thought it was one of the prettiest settings of any town I had ever seen, with lush green mountains, sparkling streams, and this beautiful rock sitting right in the middle of downtown, between the main street and the Guyandotte River.
There is a small park surrounding Castle Rock with a trail that leads up to and and around the base of the formation. The views, down to the rushing Guyandotte River on the south, and across to the town of Pineville on the north, are well worth the short climb.
I've hiked around Castle Rock dozens of times and each time thought it was a thrill. What amazes me is that many local folk seem oblivious to this wonderful natural feature right in the center of their community.
On my last visit to Pineville, I talked to a local man, about my own age, who said he had never taken the short walk up to and around the rock, although he has worked just couple of blocks away from it for the past eight years. Sad to say, people everywhere are often the same way about wonderful attractions right in their own back yards.

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